Having a Purpose-Filled Routine in Retirement (Ep 34)

Having a Purpose-Filled Routine in Retirement (Ep 34)

This will be a deeper-dive into an essential but often overlooked part of retirement planning — how you’ll spend your time.

Financial security is important, but having a purpose-filled routine is just as vital.

Things to Consider:

  • Before you take the leap, try some “test drives” to find your ideal retirement routine.
  • Unstructured Days: Try vacation days with no plans; reflect on how you feel about the flexibility.
  • New Hobbies and Interests: Experiment with hobbies to find meaningful activities for retirement.
  • Social Life Evaluation: Think about how you’ll stay connected post-retirement; consider new groups or clubs.
  • Routine Adjustments: Try different daily routines to find what’s energizing.
  • Emotional Reflection: Assess your mental state without work obligations to prepare emotionally for retirement.
  • Coordinate with Your Spouse/Partner: Plan for both individual and shared time (if part of a couple).

Retirement is more than just free time. Set yourself up for a fulfilling, joyful retirement filled with purpose!

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